By nature I can be quite a passionate feisty person – I think you would just have to ask my husband and he would definitely not deny that, but rather confirm that. I tend to see things in a very black-and-white way, it's either wrong or right, and there is not much grey for me. So because of, how I have been wired and created, I can sometimes be a little intolerant, and unfortunately intolerant of many things. Silly people, bad drivers, and poor government decisions are all on the top of my list, and what I want to do is fight battles to make things right, to make people see things how they should, according to the word of God. When I should actually rather leave it to God to bring them to. I should never be in customer services, as I don’t think the customer is always right, and I don’t mind pointing out to the customer where they might be wrong 😊 I say all of this knowing that I too am human, fallible, get it wrong constantly, and am most definitely not always right!
If you just look across the world right now, you can easily be overwhelmed with what is going on. We see oppression, we see injustice, we see a perversion of truth, and we see a mockery being made of the Holy things of God. For many of us, our response is that we get angry and want to go flying in, to change people's hearts and minds with our words, and while that might happen, something I have been so acutely aware of in the last couple of weeks is:
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Our fight is not against governments, people, companies, or circumstances. The real battle—the unseen battle—is waging, and you and I have to know how to truly fight that. What is going on in the spirit is outworking itself in the natural. We have to become people who know how to go to war in the spirit, take authority in prayer, and push back the enemy over people's lives, over our nation, and over the nations of the world.
We tire ourselves out trying to fight spiritual battles in the natural!
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Everything we need has been given to us to wage war, and to be victorious because we are fighting in the power of His spirit. Realising these things gives us authority and also channels our frustration or anger to where it needs to go. Not towards people, but to the very real enemy of our souls, who is waging war on this earth
So I pray for grace on you to face the situations and circumstances in front of you, for peace rather than anger, and instead of feeling overwhelmed, I pray that you would take up the weapons of your warfare, which are not carnal, but are MIGHTY to pull down strongholds and overcome the enemy!